Online Seizure Warrant - Step 1

Please complete any applicable fields below and click next to generate the warrant.
Fields marked with a * are required to proceed.

Debtor Information Co-Debtor Information

Security Details

Ministry of Transportation Vehicle Search *
A search of the vehicle serial number with the Ministry of Transportation may show new information such as third parties, accidents, or a new address. Do you wish for us to run a motor vehicle search? A charge of $30 will be applied to your invoice.


  Secured Party/Contract Details
$* $

Additional Notes or Instructions

Attach Any Supporting Documents
(eg. Contract, Repair Agreement, PPSR, Bill of Sale, Credit Application, etc.)

  • Authorized By

    Review your signature

    Draw your signature

    Dated at **  this 18th day of April, 2024.

    By clicking "Submit" you agree to indemnify Bailiff Solutions Inc, and our contractors for costs, losses, or damages resulting from any action required and performed strictly within our authority in this matter, and not contrary to any rule, law, or regulation of any competent authority. In the retaking of the said security, we shall proceed only as the law directs under the statute.